Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Kroger's smart shelves ditch the paper, drop the lights, and delight the shoppers

Successful digital transformation initiatives are all about efficiency, customization, and complementing human ingenuity. They also strive to create more sustainable businesses, and their impact usually has disruptive, long-lasting effects that cascade across multiple industries, especially those in which processes were hard to update because of technological limitations. In the supermarket industry, for example, paper price tags, coupons, and pamphlets with weekly offers were the norm for decades. Because of this, the shopping experience was pretty much the same—until now. In this article, you'll gain insights into Kroger's Enhanced Display for Grocery Environment (EDGE) and how it leverages Microsoft Azure and IoT sensors to create a unique, personalized shopping experience for consumers—all while saving more than 1.7 billion kilowatt hours since its implementation.


Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

When The Walsh Group—one of the largest construction contractors in the United States—moved to the cloud, it realized it needed better ways to manage who accesses its systems. The company set up identity as the control plane—with Microsoft Azure Active Directory at the center and a zero-trust security stance to better protect access to all its resources. Now, The Walsh Group CIO says the company leads the industry in securing access to its hybrid environment, giving it a competitive advantage. Read the article for more.

View: Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

Take advantage of three emerging technologies driving change in retail

Now, more than ever, consumers expect convenience when it comes to buying products and obtaining services. For retail businesses, this means accurately predicting what customers want before they even set foot in the store, and delivering it in a way that requires the least amount of effort on their part. Thankfully, digital has empowered retail stores with innovative tools that can deliver relevant offers while creating memorable experiences that generate great customer reviews. In this infographic, you'll learn about three emerging technologies available within Microsoft Dynamics 365 that are driving the evolution of retail experiences.

View: Take advantage of three emerging technologies driving change in retail

Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes

This year, "Gen-Z are set to overtake Millennials as the biggest generation globally," writes Kian Bakhtiari of CMO network. He adds, however, that we shouldn't think of young people as a marketing segment, because they're not: "The digital age has enabled the creation of modern tribes, united by a shared mindset, rather than age or location." Demographic information alone is no longer as important. Add in different behaviors, attitudes and needs of young people, along with the fact that they are often "invisible" and populate social media platforms—and you have a more complicated yet authentic way of understanding your customer base. The fact that Bakhtiari's byline in Forbes magazine states he writes about marketing through a "Millennial and Gen-Z lens" is proof of his message. Read his entire article, "Stop Marketing to Millennials or Gen-Z and Start Marketing to Tribes" to better understand this mindset shift.


Security intelligent infographic

Identify and repel more threats than ever before with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel. Take a look to learn more about intelligent security solutions for your entire enterprise.

View: Security intelligent infographic

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

The way we think of and use technology holds so much potential. From increasing the productivity of farmers to helping researchers track endangered species, Microsoft is proud to support so many amazing people who inspire and improve the world we live in. Whether you're trying to make a difference on a global scale or trying to improve job satisfaction in the workplace, Twixsoft can help! Subscribe today!

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Largest and most trusted

Microsoft 365 guards your data as a valuable asset. With security built-in, not bolted on, integration and deployment are simplified. Subscribe now to learn more.

View: Largest and most trusted

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Use digital transformation to deliver outstanding retail experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

It's no secret that modern consumers are unforgiving. But then again, never before have businesses been armed with so many options for creating exceptional experiences, and becoming more efficient organizations. Digital transformation has become the great equalizer between large and small to medium-sized retailers, and thanks to tools like Microsoft Dynamics 365, turning revenue-increasing initiatives into reality is easier than ever. Subscribe now to learn more about the digitalization of retail and how you can get started re-envisioning your business with Microsoft.

View: Use digital transformation to deliver outstanding retail experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

Five Tips to Enhance Your Company's Value Proposition by Defining Your Core Values

More than salary, benefits, and work schedule, your company's core value system is what sets it apart from others. How you define your core values so potential employees choose you—and stay with you - is crucial to your success. Employees want to know what their company stands for. Read Karen Rice's article "Five Tips to Enhance Your Company's Value Proposition by Defining Your Core Values" to help you clarify your company's value proposition, so you can make sure your prospective and current employees clearly understand the values that distinguish you from the rest.


Security Solution Overview

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management. Harness integrated, comprehensive security with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel to identify and repel more threats than ever before and safeguard your organization, without sacrificing productivity.


Security Solution Overview

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management. Harness integrated, comprehensive security with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel to identify and repel more threats than ever before and safeguard your organization, without sacrificing productivity.


Kroger​: Digital shelves entice customers

Some would argue that grocery shopping, price tags, and offers go hand in hand. However, traditional paper coupons and price tags are extremely inefficient. First and foremost, they're the opposite of environmentally friendly and most of them end up as unrecycled waste. Then there's the issue of production costs, which not only include the production of thousands of assets, but also the logistics of their storage and distribution. Lastly, there's the manual effort involved in changing, including, or updating hundreds of price tags across retail stores. Thankfully, digital transformation has allowed for creative and effective ways for grocery stores to leave paper behind forever. In this video, you'll learn how retail industry giant Kroger is leading the way to more efficient, impactful, and eco-friendly supermarket experiences.


Company Culture and Core Values

Your company culture should be "saturated with the principles that matter most," according to Karen Rice's article in Forbes magazine titled, "Five Tips to Enhance Your Company's Value Proposition by Defining Your Core Values." Rice suggests that you talk about core values at team meetings and discussions about strategy and performance management. This helps your employees understand the company's core values; if they don't know them, it's likely your customers and prospects won't either. Your core values will help guide your value proposition for all your sales and marketing materials, so it's worth the investment of time and energy now!

View: Company Culture and Core Values

Monday, November 9, 2020

AI-Studio MLOps

 Honeypotz Inc is developing a new AI-Studio platform for MLops that enables enterprise clients to train and deploy AI models at scale.